Teaching Screenwriting & Film Making

The M.A. Screenwriting is the course I did myself some years ago. I run workshops for the short script module, and deliver industry lectures.

I teach as a sessional tutor on the M.A. Screenwriting at the London College of Communication every autumn, running workshops for the short script module. I also give industry lectures to both the first termers and the final termers (4 term course). In 2024, I supplied an all-day workshop on aspects of audio story telling.

Teaching on the Visual Tools module of the B.A. in Digital Film Making. Also assessed marked residuals. 2022 and again in spring 2024.

At Ravensbourne University in Greenwich, London, I've been a sessional tutor on the Visual Tools module of the B.A. Digital Film Production.

This module teaches the last year students about the business, how to manage their careers and affairs, and every aspect of stepping up the ladder. The students must pass this module to graduate. 2022 and 2024, spring semester only.

Teaching a group of 12 students on the scriptwriting module of B.A. Film Production. Some of them didn't speak or write in English making for unusual communications and presentations.

I've taught at Farnham UCA on a scriptwrting module of the B A Film Production with 12 pupils learning the basics of scriptwriting over six weeks.

This included students for whom English was not their first language. I had to mark their essays and accompanying videos, as well as their ability to create and present a short film script.

Infrequent lectures as part of the scriptwriting B.A.

Focusing on mentoring young women in their last year at school.


Over many years, I’ve been a sessional or part time tutor at some of the best universities around London.

  • Running short film workshops
  • Delivering industry lectures
  • Assessing and marking student work


Sessional Tutor


LCC, Ravensbourne University, & Farnham UCA