TV & Radio ads: Northcliffe Newspapers Sales Promotion

This is just one of many sales promotion campaigns that was used to promote the 23 local papers in the Northcliffe Newspapers group. From as far apart as Exeter and Newcastle, the promotion was the same but with the local newspaper name inserted. You can find other examples of the radio ads in the audio section of this website, for all of which I wrote, directed and managed the traffic (multiple forms, multiple ident numbers etc for each campaign). Northcliffe usually ran 6 or 7 promotions a year, and I worked on the brand for 4 years.

Television Commercial version

Radio Commercial version


A campaign for Northcliffe Newspapers. This promotion to win your bills paid for a year was seen on TV for a limited number of regional titles in the North, and then rolled out across its 17 regional newspapers on radio. This is an example of many monthly campaigns for in-paper promotions mostly on radio.


Concept and copywriting


Radio and TV Commercial

Made By Schmick.Tv,

Directed by Christian Banfield

TV Commercial

Directed by Christian Banfield at